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The vast majority of the products we sell are functionally the same as they've been for hundreds, if not thousands of years. While the technology age has made many aspects of modern life practically unrecognizable from how they were just a short time ago, the cabinet knob functions more or less as it always has.
While still rather simple from a mechanical viewpoint, the blind corner cabinet represents one product on our site where innovation has marched forward. The idea is very simple, making accessible the space deep into the corner area where two lines of cabinets come together.
The blind corner cabinet accomplishes this through having multiple sliding racks. When the cabinet door is opened, one rack of storage space is readily available. That first rack can be pulled out toward you, then pushed sideways. This creates room for a second rack, stuck in the inaccessible area of the corner, to slide forward into the space that the first rack just vacated. This makes the formerly inaccessible storage space, accessible.
So when should you go with a blind corner cabinet and when should you go with a lazy susan? A lazy susan is a great thing to have in a corner when the corner area is accessible from both sides of the corner, such as through a door that opens diagonally or a door with a hinge in the middle allowing it to pull out accordion style. The blind corner cabinet is used when the corner area is accessible only through one direction, and the other direction has something else, such as a set of drawers. The one direction of access makes the area deep into the corner blind, and the blind corner cabinet makes it accessible.